Monday, November 22, 2010

Julian's Graph

I made my graph because I wanted to show how many students like different types of cars.
1. Do more people like Vipers or Mustangs?
2. How many students like Lamborghinis than Lowriders?


  1. Mustangs sure are popular! What's your favorite car Julian?
    -Ms. Harkin

  2. Julian do you think students like the Mustang because it is also our mascot? Just a thought. Well done!

    ~Ms. Schnauber

  3. Wow! I like your idea of asking about cars. If I had a vote, I'd pick a Mustang :)
    Ms. Booth

  4. Hi Julian,

    We like your graph. It looks like more people like mustangs in your class. Also, I see that 5 more people like Lamborghinis than Lowriders.

    Thanks for the questions!


    Mariah from Ms. Springer's math class at Rose HIll Elementary

  5. Hi Julian,

    This is Eric and Jonathon from Rose Hill. We like your graph because of the cars. We like the mustang and the lamborghini. We added up all the bars in your graph and see that you have 25 kids in your math class. We have only 24. Your graph is awesome!

    -Eric and Jonathon.
